
Which One Of The Following Is Fixed From The Atmo- Sphere By Bacteria?

Sources and Sinks of Essential Elements

Biogeochemical cycles are pathways by which essential elements flow from the abiotic and biotic compartments of the Earth.

Learning Objectives

Identify sources and sinks of essential elements

Key Takeaways

Key Points

  • Biogeochemical cycles are pathways by which nutrients flow betwixt the abiotic and abiotic compartments of the Earth. The abiotic portion of the Earth includes the lithosphere (the geological component of the World) and the hydrosphere (the Earth's water).
  • Ecosystems rely on biogeochemical cycles. Many of the nutrients that living things depend on, such as carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorous are in constant apportionment.
  • Essential elements are often stored in reservoirs, where they can exist taken out of circulation for years. For example, coal is a reservoir for carbon.
  • Humans can touch biogeochemical cycles. Humans extract carbon and nitrogen from the geosphere and utilize them for energy and fertilizer. This has increased the corporeality of these elements in circulation, which has detrimental furnishings on ecosystems.

Key Terms

  • Reservoir: Reservoirs are places where essential elements are sequestered for long periods of fourth dimension.
  • biogeochemical cycle: A pathway by which a chemic element or molecule moves through both biotic (biosphere) and abiotic (lithosphere, temper, and hydropshere) compartments of the planet.

Nearly important substances on Earth, such as oxygen, nitrogen, and h2o undergo turnover or cycling through both the biotic (living) and abiotic (geological, atmospheric, and hydrologic) compartments of the Earth. Flows of nutrients from living to not-living components of the Earth are chosen biogeochemical cycles.

Food Cycles and the Biosphere

Ecosystems hinge on biogeochemical cycles. The nitrogen cycle, the phosphorous cycle, the sulfur cycle, and the carbon bike all involve assimilation of these nutrients into living things. These elements are transferred among living things through food webs, until organisms ultimately die and release them back into the geosphere.


The Carbon Cycle: The element carbon moves from the biosphere to the geosphere and the hydrosphere. This flow from abiotic to biotic compartments of the World is typical of biogeochemical cycles.

Reservoirs of Essential Elements

Chemicals are sometimes sequestered for long periods of time and taken out of circulation. Locations where elements are stored for long periods of time are called reservoirs. Coal is a reservoir for carbon, and coal deposits can house carbon for thousands of years. The atmosphere is considered a reservoir for nitrogen.

Humans and Biogeochemical Cycles

Although the Globe receives energy from the Dominicus, the chemical composition of the planet is more or less fixed. Matter is occasionally added by meteorites, but supplies of essential elements mostly do not change. However, act tin change the proportion of nutrients that are in reservoirs and in circulation. For example, coal is a resevoir of carbon, but the human being utilize of fossil fuels has released carbon into the temper, increasing the amount of carbon in circulation. Likewise, phosphorous and nitrogen are extracted from geological reservoirs and used in phosphorous, and excesses of these elements accept caused the overgrowth of plant thing and the disruption of many ecosystems.

The Carbon Cycle

The carbon cycle describes the menstruum of carbon from the atmosphere to the marine and terrestrial biospheres, and the earth's crust.

Learning Objectives

Outline the flow of carbon through the biosphere and abiotic thing on earth

Cardinal Takeaways

Central Points

  • Atmospheric carbon is unremarkably in the form of CO2. Carbon dioxide is converted to organic carbon through photosynthesis by chief producers such equally plants, leaner, and algae.
  • Some organic carbon is returned to the temper as COtwo during respiration. The rest of the organic carbon may cycle from organism to organism through the nutrient chain. When an organism dies, it is decomposed by leaner and its carbon is released into the atmosphere or the soil.
  • Carbon is also found in the globe'due south crust, primarily as limestone and kerogens.

Key Terms

  • lithosphere: The rigid, mechanically stiff, outer layer of the earth; divided into twelve major tectonic plates.
  • chemoautotrophic: An organism obtaining its nutrition through the oxidation of non-organic compounds (or other chemical processes); every bit opposed to the process of photosynthesis.
  • carbon bicycle: The concrete bike of carbon through the Earth's biosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere and temper that includes such processes as photosynthesis, decomposition, respiration and carbonification.

The carbon cycle describes the flow of carbon betwixt the biosphere, the geosphere, and the atmosphere, and is essential to maintaining life on earth.


The Carbon Bicycle: The carbon cycle describes the flow of carbon betwixt the temper, the biosphere, and the geosphere.

Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide: Carbon in the earth's atmosphere exists in two main forms: carbon dioxide and methyl hydride. Carbon dioxide leaves the temper through photosynthesis, thus entering the terrestrial and marine biospheres. Carbon dioxide as well dissolves directly from the atmosphere into bodies of h2o (oceans, lakes, etc.), too as dissolving in atmospheric precipitation as raindrops fall through the atmosphere. When dissolved in water, carbon dioxide reacts with water molecules and forms carbonic acid, which contributes to ocean acerbity. Human activity over the by two centuries has significantly increased the amount of carbon in the atmosphere, mainly in the form of carbon dioxide, both by modifying ecosystems ' ability to extract carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and by emitting it direct, eastward.g. by called-for fossil fuels and manufacturing concrete.

Terrestrial Biosphere: The terrestrial biosphere includes the organic carbon in all land-living organisms, both live and dead, likewise every bit carbon stored in soils. Although people often imagine plants equally the most of import part of the terrestrial carbon cycle, microorganisms such every bit single celled algae and chemoautotrophic bacteria are too important in converting atmospheric CO2 into terrestrial carbon. Carbon is incorporated into living things as part of organic molecules, either through photosynthesis or by animals that swallow plants and algae. Some of the carbon in living things is released through respiration, while the rest remains in the tissue. Once organisms die, bacteria intermission downwardly their tissues, releasing CO2 back into the atmosphere or into the soil.

Marine Biosphere: The carbon cycle in the marine biosphere is very similar to that in the terrestrial ecosystem. COii dissolves in the water and algae, plants and bacteria convert it into organic carbon. Carbon may transfer between organisms (from producers to consumers). Their tissues are ultimately broken down by leaner and CO2 is released back into the ocean or atmosphere.

NASA | A Year in the Life of Earth's CO2: An ultra-high-resolution NASA reckoner model has given scientists a stunning new await at how carbon dioxide in the atmosphere travels around the globe. Plumes of carbon dioxide in the simulation swirl and shift as winds disperse the greenhouse gas away from its sources. The simulation also illustrates differences in carbon dioxide levels in the northern and southern hemispheres and distinct swings in global carbon dioxide concentrations as the growth cycle of plants and trees changes with the seasons. The carbon dioxide visualization was produced by a computer model chosen GEOS-v, created by scientists at NASA Goddard Space Flying Center's Global Modeling and Assimilation Part. The visualization is a product of a simulation called a "Nature Run." The Nature Run ingests real data on atmospheric weather condition and the emission of greenhouse gases and both natural and man-made particulates. The model is and then left to run on its own and simulate the natural behavior of the Globe'south atmosphere. This Nature Run simulates Jan 2006 through Dec 2006. While Goddard scientists worked with a "beta" version of the Nature Run internally for several years, they released this updated, improved version to the scientific community for the beginning fourth dimension in the autumn of 2014.

Geologic Carbon: The earth's crust as well contains carbon. Much of the earth'due south carbon is stored in the mantle, and has been there since the earth formed. Much of the carbon on the globe'south lithosphere (about 80%) is stored in limestone, which was formed from the calcium carbonate from the shells of marine animals. The residuum of the carbon on the earth's surface is stored in Kerogens, which were formed through the sedimentation and burying of terrestrial organisms nether high heat and force per unit area.

Syntrophy and Methanogenesis

Bacteria that perform anaerobic fermentation ofttimes partner with methanogenic archea bacteria to provide necessary products such as hydrogen.

Learning Objectives

Assess syntrophy methanogenesis

Cardinal Takeaways

Cardinal Points

  • Methanogenic leaner are just found in the domain Archea, which are bacteria with no nucleus or other organelles.
  • Methanogenesis is a course of respiration in which carbon rather than oxygen is used as an electron acceptor.
  • Leaner that perform anaerobic fermentation ofttimes partner with methanogenic bacteria. During anaerobic fermentation, big organic molecules are broken downward into hydrogen and acetic acid, which can be used in methanogenic respiration.
  • There are other examples of syntrophic relationships betwixt methanogenic bacteria and mircoorganisms: protozoans in the guts of termites break down cellulose and produce hydrogen which can be used in methanogenesis.

Key Terms

  • Archea: A domain of single-celled microorganisms. These microbes have no jail cell nucleus or any other membrane-bound organelles within their cells.
  • syntrophy: A phenomenon where one species lives off the products of some other species.
  • methanogenesis: The generation of methyl hydride past anaerobic bacteria.

Syntrophy or cross feeding is when ane species lives off the products of another species. A frequently cited example of syntrophy are methanogenic archaea bacteria and their partner bacteria that perform anaerobic fermentation.


Methanogenic Bacteria in Termites: Methanogenic bacteria accept a syntrophic human relationship with protozoans living in the guts of termites. The protozoans break down cellulose, releasing H2 which is and so used in methanogenesis.

Methanogenesis in microbes is a class of anaerobic respiration, performed by leaner in the domain Archaea. Unlike other microorganisms, methanogens do not use oxygen to respire; simply rather oxygen inhibits the growth of methanogens. In methanogenesis, carbon is used as the terminal electron receptor instead of oxygen. Although at that place are a variety of potential carbon based compounds that are used as electron receptors, the ii best described pathways involve the use of carbon dioxide and acetic acid as last electron acceptors.

Acetic Acid: [latex]\text{CO}_2 + iv\text{H}_2 \rightarrow\text{CH}_4 + 2\text{H}_2\text{O}[/latex]

Carbon Dioxide: [latex]\text{CH}_3\text{COOH} \rightarrow\text{CH}_4 +\text{CO}_2[/latex]

Many methanogenic leaner that alive in close association with bacteria produce fermentation products such every bit fatty acids longer than ii carbon atoms, alcohols longer than one carbon atom, and branched concatenation and aromatic fat acids. These products cannot be used in methanogenesis. Partner bacteria of the methanogenic archea therefore process these products. Past oxydizing them to acetate, they allow them to be used in methanogenesis.

Methanogenic bacteria are important in the decomposition of biomass in nearly ecosystems. Only methanogenesis and fermentation can occur in the absence of electron acceptors other than carbon. Fermentation but allows the breakdown of larger organic compounds, and produces small organic compounds that can be used in methanogenesis. The semi-final products of decay (hydrogen, pocket-size organics, and carbon dioxide) are then removed by methanogenesis. Without methanogenesis, a great deal of carbon (in the form of fermentation products) would accumulate in anaerobic environments.

Methanogenic archea leaner can also form associations with other organisms. For example, they may besides acquaintance with protozoans living in the guts of termites. The protozoans interruption down the cellulose consumed by termites, and release hydrogen, which is then used in methanogenesis.

The Phosphorus Bike

Phosphorus, important for creating nucleotides and ATP, is assimilated past plants, then released through decomposition when they die.

Learning Objectives

Explain the phosphorous cycle

Central Takeaways

Key Points

  • Phosphorous is important for the production of ATP and nucleotides.
  • Inorganic phosphorous is found in the soil or h2o. Plants and algae assimilate inorganic phosphorus into their cells, and transfer it to other animals that consume them.
  • When organisms die, their phosphorous is released past decomposer bacteria.
  • Aquatic phosphorous follows a seasonal cycle, inorganic phosphorous peaks in the spring causing rapid algae and found growth, and then declines. Equally plants die, it is re-released into the water.
  • Phosphorous based fertilizers can crusade excessive algae growtin in aquatic systems, which can have negative impacts on the environment.

Key Terms

  • hypertrophication: the ecosystem response to the improver of artificial or natural substances, such as nitrates and phosphates, through fertilizers or sewage, to an aquatic organisation. This response is usually an increase in primary production.

Phosphorus is an of import element for living things because it is neccesary for nucleotides and ATP. Plants digest phosphorous from the environment then convert it from inorganic phosphorous to organic phosphorous. Phosphorous can exist transfered to other organisms when they eat the plants and algae. Animals either release phosphorous through urination or defecation, when they die and are broken downwards past bacteria. The organic phosphorous is released and converted back into inorganic phosphorous through decomposition. The phosphorous wheel differs from other nutrient cycles, because it never passes through a gaseous stage like the nitrogen or carbon cycles.


The aquatic phosphorous cycle: Phosphorous is converted between its organic and inorganic forms. Plants convert phosphorous to its organic form, and bacteria catechumen it dorsum to the inorganic class through decomposition

Phosphorous levels follow a seasonal pattern in aquatic ecosystems. In the bound, inorganic phosphorous is released from the sediment by convection currents in the warming water. When phosphorous levels are high, algae and plants reproduce apace. Much of the phosphorous is then converted to organic phosphorous, and primary productivity then declines. Subsequently in the summertime, the plants and algae brainstorm to die off, and bacteria decompose them, and inorganic phosphorus is released dorsum into the ecosystem. Equally phosphorous levels begin to increase at the cease of the summer, primary plants and algae brainstorm to quickly abound again.

The phosphorous wheel is affected by human activities. Although phosphorous is usually a limiting nutrient, virtually agricultural fertilizers contain phosphorous. Run-off and drainage from farms can alluvion aquatic ecosystems with excess phosphorus. Artificial phosphorous tin cause over growth of algae and plants in aquatic ecosytems. When the excess constitute material is cleaved down, the decomposing leaner tin can utilize up all the oxygen in the water causing expressionless zones. Most bodies of water gradually become more than productive over time through the slow, natural accumulation of nutrients in a process called eutrophication. However, overgrowth of algae due to phosphorous fertilizer is called "cultural eutrophication" or "hypertrophication," and is generally negative for ecosystems.


Hypertrophication on the Potomac River: The bright green color of the h2o is the outcome of algae blooms in response to the addition of phosphorous based fertilizers.

The Nitrogen Cycle

The nitrogen bike is the process by which nitrogen is converted from organic to inorganic forms; many steps are performed by microbes.

Learning Objectives

Describe the nitrogen cycle and how information technology is affected by homo activity

Key Takeaways

Fundamental Points

  • Nitrogen is converted from atmospheric nitrogen (N2) into usable forms, such as NO2-, in a process known as fixation. The majority of nitrogen is fixed by bacteria, near of which are symbiotic with plants.
  • Recently stock-still ammonia is and then converted to biologically useful forms by specialized bacteria. This occurs in two steps: showtime, bacteria convert ammonia in to (nitrites) NO2-, and and then other bacteria species convert it to NO3- (nitrate).
  • Nitriates are a form of nitrogen that is usable by plants. Information technology is assimilated into plant tissue every bit protein. The nitrogen is passed through the food concatenation by animals that eat the plants, and then released into the soil past decomposer bacteria when they dice.
  • De-nitrifying bacteria convert NO2- dorsum into atmospheric nitrogen (N2), completing the bicycle.

Key Terms

  • de-nitrification: A microbially facilitated process of nitrate reduction that may ultimately produce molecular nitrogen (N2) through a series of intermediate gaseous nitrogen oxide products.
  • nitrification: The biological oxidation of ammonia with oxygen into nitrite followed by the oxidation of these nitrites into nitrates.
  • ammonification: The formation of ammonia or its compounds from nitrogenous compounds, especially as a consequence of bacterial decomposition.

The nitrogen bike describes the conversion of nitrogen between different chemic forms. The majority of the earth'south atmosphere (nigh 78%) is composed of atmospheric nitrogen, only it is not in a course that is usable to living things. Complex species interactions allow organisms to convert nitrogen to usable forms and exchange information technology between themselves. Nitrogen is essential for the formation of amino acids and nucleotides. It is essential for all living things.

Fixation: In order for organisms to use atmospheric nitrogen (Northii), it must be "fixed" or converted into ammonia (NHiii). This tin happen occasionally through a lightning strike, only the majority of nitrogen fixation is done by free living or symbiotic bacteria. These leaner accept the nitrogenase enzyme that combines gaseous nitrogen with hydrogen to produce ammonia. It is then further converted by the bacteria to brand their own organic compounds. Some nitrogen fixing bacteria live in the root nodules of legumes where they produce ammonia in exchange for sugars. Today, about 30% of the total fixed nitrogen is manufactured in chemical plants for fertilizer.


The role of soil bacteria in the Nitrogen bike: Nitrogen transitions between various biologically useful forms.

Nitrificaton: Nitrification is the conversion of ammonia (NHiii) to nitrate (NOiii ). It is ordinarily performed by soil living leaner, such as nitrobacter. This is important because plants tin can assimilate nitrate into their tissues, and they rely on bacteria to convert it from ammonia to a usable grade. Nitrification is performed mainly past the genus of bacteria, Nitrobacter.

Ammonification /Mineralization: In ammonification, bacteria or fungi convert the organic nitrogen from dead organisms back into ammonium (NH4 +). Nitrification tin can as well work on ammonium. It can either exist cycled back into a plant usable grade through nitrification or returned to the atmosphere through de-nitrification.

De-Nitrification: Nitrogen in its nitrate grade (NO3 ) is converted back into atmospheric nitrogen gas (Nii) by bacterial species such as Pseudomonas and Clostridium, normally in anaerobic conditions. These leaner use nitrate equally an electron acceptor instead of oxygen during respiration.

The Sulfur Cycle

Many bacteria can reduce sulfur in small amounts, only some leaner tin reduce sulfur in large amounts, in essence, breathing sulfur.

Learning Objectives

Depict the sulfur cycle

Key Takeaways

Central Points

  • The sulfur wheel describes the movement of sulfur through the geosphere and biosphere. Sulfur is released from rocks through weathering, and and then assimilated by microbes and plants. It is then passed up the food chain and assimilated by plants and animals, and released when they decompose.
  • Many bacteria can reduce sulfur in modest amounts, merely some specialized leaner can perform respiration entirely using sulfur. They utilize sulfur or sulfate as an electron receptor in their respiration, and release sulfide as waste matter. This is a mutual class of anaerobic respiration in microbes.
  • Sulfur reducing pathways are constitute in many pathogenic leaner species. Tuberculosis and leprosy are both caused by bacterial species that reduce sulfur, then the sulfur reduction pathway is an important target of drug development.

Primal Terms

  • extremophile: An organism that lives nether extreme conditions of temperature, salinity, and so on. They are commercially important as a source of enzymes that operate under like weather condition.
  • assimilatory sulfate reduction: The reduction of 3′-Phosphoadenosine-5′-phosphosulfate, a more elaborated sulfateester, leads also to hydrogen sulfide, the production used in biosynthesis (due east.chiliad., for the product of cysteine because the sulfate sulfur is assimilated).

The Sulfur Bike

The sulfur bike describes the movement of sulfur through the atmosphere, mineral forms, and through living things. Although sulfur is primarily plant in sedimentary rocks or sea water, information technology is particularly important to living things because it is a component of many proteins.

Sulfur is released from geologic sources through the weathering of rocks. In one case sulfur is exposed to the air, it combines with oxygen, and becomes sulfate And soiv. Plants and microbes assimilate sulfate and convert it into organic forms. As animals consume plants, the sulfur is moved through the nutrient chain and released when organisms die and decompose.

Some bacteria – for case Proteus, Campylobacter, Pseudomonas and Salmonella – have the power to reduce sulfur, merely tin also employ oxygen and other terminal electron acceptors. Others, such as Desulfuromonas, apply only sulfur. These bacteria become their energy past reducing elemental sulfur to hydrogen sulfide. They may combine this reaction with the oxidation of acetate, succinate, or other organic compounds.

The nigh well known sulfur reducing bacteria are those in the domain Archea, which are some of the oldest forms of life on Globe. They are ofttimes extremophiles, living in hot springs and thermal vents where other organisms cannot live. Lots of bacteria reduce modest amounts of sulfates to synthesize sulfur-containing jail cell components; this is known as assimilatory sulfate reduction. Past contrast, the sulfate-reducing bacteria considered hither reduce sulfate in large amounts to obtain free energy and miscarry the resulting sulfide as waste. This process is known as dissimilatory sulfate reduction. In a sense, they breathe sulfate.

Sulfur metabolic pathways for bacteria have important medical implications. For example, Mycobacterium tuberculosis (the bacteria causing tuberculosis) and Mycobacterium leprae (which causes leoprosy) both utilize sulfur, so the sulfur pathway is a target of drug development to control these bacteria.

The Iron Cycle

Fe is an important limiting food required for plants and animals; it cycles between living organisms and the geosphere.

Learning Objectives

Compare the terrestrial and marine fe cycles

Key Takeaways

Key Points

  • Iron is an important limiting food for plants, which use it to produce chlorophyll. Photosynthesis depends on acceptable iron supply. Plants assimilate iron from the soil into their roots.
  • Animals consume plants and use the atomic number 26 to produce hemoglobin, the oxygen transports protein found in red blood cells. When animals die, decomposing bacteria render atomic number 26 to the soil.
  • The marine iron wheel is very like to the terrestrial fe cycle, except that phytoplankton and blue-green alga assimilate atomic number 26.
  • Iron fertilization has been studied every bit a method for sequestering carbon. Scientists take hoped that by calculation iron to the ocean, plankton might be able to sequester the excess CO2 responsible for climate change. However, there is business organisation about the long term effects of this strategy.

Cardinal Terms

  • hemoglobin: the fe-containing oxygen transport metalloprotein in the ruby claret cells of all vertebrates

Iron (Fe) follows a geochemical bike like many other nutrients. Iron is typically released into the soil or into the sea through the weathering of rocks or through volcanic eruptions.

The Terrestrial Iron Cycle: In terrestrial ecosystems, plants first absorb iron through their roots from the soil. Iron is required to produce chlorophyl, and plants require sufficient iron to perform photosynthesis. Animals acquire iron when they consume plants, and atomic number 26 is utilized past vertebrates in hemoglobin, the oxygen-binding poly peptide found in red blood cells. Animals lacking in fe often become anemic and cannot transmit adequate oxygen. Bacteria then release fe dorsum into the soil when they decompose fauna tissue.

The Marine Iron Cycle: The oceanic iron cycle is similar to the terrestrial fe cycle, except that the primary producers that absorb iron are typically phytoplankton or cyanobacteria. Atomic number 26 is and so assimilated by consumers when they eat the bacteria or plankton. The role of atomic number 26 in body of water ecosystems was kickoff discovered when English biologist Joseph Hart noticed "desolate zones," which are regions that lacked plankton but were rich in nutrients. He hypothesized that iron was the limiting food in these areas. In the past iii decades there has been research into using iron fertilization to promote alagal growth in the world'southward oceans. Scientists hoped that by adding iron to ocean ecosystems, plants might grown and sequester atmospheric CO2. Iron fertilization was thought to be a possible method for removing the backlog CO2 responsible for climate alter. Thus far, the results of fe fertilization experiments accept been mixed, and there is concern amid scientists about the possible consequences of tampering food cycles.


Algal blossom: Algae flower in the Bering Sea afterward a natural iron fertilization event.


Which One Of The Following Is Fixed From The Atmo- Sphere By Bacteria?,


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